Top 10 Farthest SuperNova Ever

 supernova is a large explosion that takes place at the end of a star's life cycle. A supernova is the explosion of a star. It is the largest explosion that takes place in space.

Here is the list of Supernovas spotted at farthest point from Earth

10. SN2007UY

SN2007 supernova occurred in spiral galaxy NGC2770 in LYNX constellation. The peak apparent magnitude was 16.8. The explosion took place around 84 million years.

9. SN2008D

SN2008D Supernova was detected by NASA's Swift X-ray telescope. The supernova was of type lbc. The explosion of the supernova precursor star, in the spiral galaxy NGC 2770 (88 million light years away)

8. MENeaC Abell399.3.14.0

MENeaC Abell399.3.14.0 Supernova occurred in aries Constellation around 100 Million light years far from earth. The apparent magnitude +28.7. The type of supernova was la

7. SN2009IP

SN2009IP Supernova was discovered in 2009 in spiral galaxy NGC7259

6. SN2010LT

5. SN2011FE

4. SN 2014J

3. SN2015L


1. SN2015ABS


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