The Real Science behind BERMUDA TRIANGLE

Bermuda Triangle is a Triangular area between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico in North Atlantic Ocean. Since many decades Bermuda Triangle was an mysterious topic for Researchers and Scientists, But the mystry of Bermuda Triangle has been solved

Some Most Popular Incidents 

1.1492 On the night of October 11, Christopher Columbus reported a sighting of unknown light, just days before the landing at Guanahani.

2 SS El with a crew of 33 aboard, sank off of the coast of the Bahamas within the triangle on October 1, 2015, after sailing into Hurricanes Joaquin Search crews identified the vessel 15,000 feet below the surface.

3.1948: December 28, Dogulas DC-3 NC16002 lost with three crew and 36 passengers, en route from San Jurro Puerto Rico Miami, Florida.

Science Behind the MYSTERY 

1. There are Mountains in the Sea which have frequent Volcanic Eruptions. Due to these Eruptions, Many gasses like Methane are mixed with Sea water. When Methane reacts with water, the density of sea is reduced. Hence the ship cannot balance on the water and the the ship sink down

2. There are many V shaped ranges in the sea. As it's effect When the wind collides with these mountains, the it creates cyclone and lightning. When the Airplane passes through these winds, all the Airplanes fall in the sea

3. There are reefs under the sea. These reefs unbalance the ships ans the ships sink down

4. There are hexagonal clouds on tge BermudaTriangle. These types of hexagonal shapes in the ocean generate cyclones which are too much powerful And the blasts of air are very powerful – so powerful that they can reach 170mph, capable of sinking ships and downing planes

These are some of the possible reasons for BermudaTriangle Mysteries 


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